Saturday, August 7, 2010

Is there a documented case, where one tested positive for herpes, due to what remedy, then tested negative?

No. There is currently no cure for herpes, it stays in your body for life. It is difficult to diagnose herpes unless you have physical symptoms present, so you may find that from time to time your test results come back negative but it absolutely doesn't mean that you no longer have the virus, just that you are not experience symptoms or viral shedding at that point in time.

I was diagnosed with herpes type I and a few months later a second test came back negative - however I am well aware that I still have the virus and the subsequent outbreaks confirm it.

Until such time as the medical %26amp; pharmaceutical professions find a cure, do not ever kid yourself that you have rid yourself of the virus. It is there for life.

Harmony there a documented case, where one tested positive for herpes, due to what remedy, then tested negative?
what you should know is, herpes is a virus... it can be resolved by your immune system or even by an antiviral medicine..... normally will happen in months... meaning after the first detection of positive, re-test in 3 months time....

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